Height Percentile Calculator

The Height Percentile Calculator is designed to help parents and caregivers easily determine a child(2-20 years old)'s height percentile using CDC's stature-for-age growth chart data. By inputting the child's sex, height (in centimeters or inches), and birth date, the app calculates the child's age in months and accurately identifies their height percentile, displaying the results along with the height in both centimeters and inches.

Birth date must be between 2 and 20 years ago.


Age: {{result.age}} months

Height: {{result.weightKg}} centimeters ({{result.weightLb}} inches)

Height Percentile: {{result.percentile}}

Understanding Height Percentiles

A stature-for-age percentile (or height-for-age percentile) is a measure used on pediatric growth charts to compare a child's height (stature) to a reference population of children of the same age and sex. Here's how you can explain it:

What It Represents:

  • Percentile Meaning: The percentile indicates how a child's height compares to other children of the same age and gender. For example, if a child is in the 75th percentile for height, this means that the child is taller than 75% of children of the same age and sex and shorter than 25%.

Understanding the Range:

  • Below the 5th percentile: May suggest that the child is shorter than most of their peers and could be an indication of short stature, which might warrant further evaluation.
  • 5th to 85th percentile: Generally considered within the normal range for height.
  • 85th to 95th percentile: Suggests that the child is taller than most of their peers, potentially indicating a tendency towards tall stature.
  • Above the 95th percentile: The child is taller than 95% of peers, which could indicate very tall stature.

Usage in Monitoring:

  • Tracking Growth: Pediatricians use stature-for-age percentiles to track a child's growth over time. A consistent pattern along a particular percentile curve is usually a sign of healthy development.
  • Identifying Concerns: Significant deviations from a child's usual percentile range, or being consistently at the extremes (very low or very high percentiles), might prompt further investigation to rule out any growth-related issues.

Important Considerations:

  • Growth Patterns: Children grow at different rates, and variations in height percentiles can be normal. Genetics, nutrition, and overall health play significant roles in a child's stature.
  • Individual Differences: Being in a higher or lower percentile doesn't inherently mean there's a problem. It simply provides a comparative measure to other children.