BMI Calculator

  •   Underweight
  •   Normalweight
  •   Overweight
  •   Obesity

lbs ({{weight_m}} kg)

feet inches ({{height_m}} cm)

kgs ({{weight_i}} lb)

cm ({{height_i_feet}}feet {{height_i_inch}}inches )


Your BMI is {{bmi}}.

In {{country}},

  • The average BMI is {{cData[country][0]}},
  • The average BMI for male is {{cData[country][1]}},
  • The average BMI for female is {{cData[country][2]}}.

You can access your calculation using the URL below. Feel free to copy it to save or share with others:

This tool provides insight into your BMI and offers a simple understanding of where you stand compared to averages in the United States or your country.

Mastering the BMI Calculator: A Guide to Precision

  • BMI - An Insight into Body Mass Index
    • Underweight: BMI ≤ 18.5
    • Normal weight: BMI = 18.5–24.9
    • Overweight: BMI = 25–29.9
    • Obesity: BMI of 30 or greater

Unlocking the Secrets of BMI Calculation

Body Mass Index (BMI) stands as the cornerstone for discerning one's physique by gauging weight (body mass) against height. The BMI formula encapsulates weight (body mass) divided by the square of height.

Decoding the BMI Calculation Formula

Imperial Formula

BMI calculation formula (Imperial)

Metric Formula

BMI calculation formula (Metric)

Deciphering Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Numerics

BMI Range BMI Result Recommendations
<18.5 Underweight
  1. Underweight status may stem from genetic predispositions, metabolic variations, or inadequate nutritional intake.
  2. Underweight individuals are susceptible to certain health complications. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for tailored guidance.
  3. Attaining a healthy weight entails engaging in regular exercise regimens, consuming nutrient-rich foods, and adopting a balanced diet. Ceasing tobacco use can also be beneficial.
18.5-24.9 Normal weight Maintaining a normal weight signifies optimal health. Sustained adherence to nutritious dietary practices, a well-rounded lifestyle, and consistent physical activity are pivotal.
25-29.9 Overweight
  1. Excess weight may arise from various factors, including genetic predispositions, heightened stress levels, poor dietary habits, medication side effects (e.g., olanzapine), or a lack of equilibrium between caloric intake and expenditure.
  2. Overweight, often indicative of pre-obesity, heightens the risk of chronic ailments. Consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended to navigate towards a healthy weight range.
  3. Attaining a healthy weight necessitates dietary modifications, caloric restriction, and increased physical activity. Embracing a consistent routine, including ample high-quality sleep, is beneficial.
>30 30.0–34.9: Class I obesity
35.0–39.9: Class II obesity
≥ 40.0: Class III obesity
  1. Obesity may ensue from genetic predispositions, suboptimal dietary patterns, medication side effects (e.g., Olanzapine), irregular lifestyle choices (e.g., inadequate sleep), or a surplus of caloric intake vis-à-vis physical exertion. Emotional fluctuations, such as stress, anger, or distress, can also contribute to weight gain or obesity.
  2. Obesity heightens the risk of chronic ailments, including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Collaboration with a healthcare provider is indispensable for devising strategies to achieve a healthy weight status.
  3. Achieving a healthy weight necessitates dietary adjustments, caloric restriction, and increased physical activity. Adhering to a structured routine, inclusive of sufficient high-quality sleep, is instrumental.

The BMI calculator may not be applicable for the following individuals:

  • Athletes
  • Individuals engaged in weight training (e.g., Sumo wrestlers)
  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Individuals with compromised health or sedentary elderly individuals

BMI Standards for Asians: A Cultural Perspective

It is widely acknowledged that Asians have distinct Body Mass Index (BMI) thresholds for identifying overweight and obesity.

BMI Classification BMI Range for Asians (kg/m2) Corresponding BMI for Europeans (kg/m2)
Underweight <18.5 <18.5
Normal weight 18.5-22.9 18.5-24.9
Overweight 23-24.9 25-29.9
Obesity >25 >30

Understanding BMI in Children: A Tailored Approach

Body Mass Index (BMI) is applied differently in children. The initial step involves calculating the BMI for each child using the standard formula. Subsequently, a statistical analysis is conducted by comparing individual BMI values to data collected from peers of the same age, sex, and geographical region, such as the same country or continent. BMI falling below the 5th percentile indicates underweight status, while a BMI ranging between the 85th and 95th percentiles suggests overweight or obesity, warranting attention due to potential health risks.

For a more comprehensive assessment of the risk of overweight, utilize the following calculators: Body Fat Percentage calculator, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator, and Daily Calorie Requirement calculator.

US Military Recommended Height-Weight Screening Table

Presented below is a table illustrating maximum and minimum screening weights based on selected BMI standards.

Height (inches) Maximum Weight (lbs) for BMI = 27.5 (regardless of age) Maximum Weight (lbs) for BMI = 25.0 (regardless of age) Minimum Weight (lbs) for BMI = 19.0
58 131 119 91
59 136 124 94
60 141 128 97
61 145 132 100
62 150 136 104
63 155 141 107
64 160 145 110
65 165 150 114
66 170 155 117
67 175 159 121
68 180 164 125
69 186 169 128
70 191 174 132
71 197 179 136
72 202 184 140
73 208 189 144
74 214 194 148
75 220 200 152
76 225 205 156
77 231 210 160
78 237 216 164
79 244 221 168
80 250 227 173