Time Unit Conversion
- century
- day [d]
- decade
- femtosecond [fs]
- fortnight
- hour [h]
- microsecond [μs]
- millennium
- millisecond [ms]
- minute [min]
- month (Common)
- month (Synodic)
- nanosecond [ns]
- picosecond [ps]
- quarter (Common)
- second [s]
- shake
- week
- year (Common) [y]
- year (Gregorian)
- year (Julian)
- year (Leap)
- year (Tropical)
Quick notes on time units
The below will give you a quick glance on each time unit. Helping you to find an conversion answer as quickly as possible is always our top priority.
century1 century = 100 years.
day [d]1 day = 24 hours.
decade1 decade = 10 years.
femtosecond [fs]1 femtosecond = 10−15 second
fortnight1 fortnight = 14 days.
hour [h]1 hour = 60 minutes.
microsecond [μs]1 microsecond = 10-6 second.
millennium1 millennium = 1000 years.
millisecond [ms]1 millisecond = 10-3 second.
minute [min]1 minute = 60 seconds.
month (Common)A month is 30 days in September, April, June and November, all the rest months have 31 days, except for February, which has 28 days except in a Leap Year when it has 29 days. The tropical year is approximately 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds (=365.24219 days), so 1 month = 365.24219/12.
month (Synodic)The synodic month is the period of the Moon's phases. The long-term average duration is 29.530589 days (29 d 12 h 44 min 2.9 s). The synodic month is used to calculate eclipse cycles.
nanosecond [ns]1 nanosecond = 10-9 second.
picosecond [ps]1 picosecond = 10-12 second.
quarter (Common)1 quarter = 3 months.
second [s]A second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.
shake1 shake = 10-8 second.
week1 week = 7 days.
year (Common) [y]1 common year = 365 days = 31536000 seconds.
year (Gregorian)1 Gregorian year = 365.2425 days = 31556952 seconds.
year (Julian)1 Julian year = 365.25 days = 31557600 seconds.
year (Leap)1 leap year = 366 days = 31622400 seconds.
year (Tropical)1 tropical year = 365.24219 days = 31556925 seconds.