
How does a transformer work

transformers on the utility pole

Transformers work on the principle of electromagnetic induction. They consist of two coils of wire, known as the primary and secondary coils, wrapped around a common iron core. When an alternating current (AC) flows through the primary coil, it creates a changing magnetic field around the iron core. This changing magnetic field induces a voltage in the secondary coil through electromagnetic induction. The ratio of the number of turns in the primary coil to the number of turns in the secondary coil determines the voltage ratio between the input and output of the transformer.

How many electrons in 1 Amp electric current

To determine the number of electrons needed to produce 1 ampere (A) of electric current, we can use the concept of elementary charge and the definition of the ampere.

The elementary charge (e) is the charge of a single electron or proton, which is approximately 1.602x10-19 coulombs.

The definition of 1 ampere (A) is 1 coulomb of electric charge passing through a point in a circuit per second.

So, to find the number of electrons needed to produce 1 ampere of electric current, we can use the equation:




energy everywhere



What is energy

Explaining Energy to a Child

Energy can be thought of as the magical force that makes things happen. When you run, jump, or play, you're using energy to move and have fun. It's like the hidden spark that brings everything to life!



能量就像是一種特殊的力量,讓事物改變。 當你四處奔跑時,你就是利用能量使自己快速移動。 當你跳躍時,你利用能量上下起伏。 能量就像是一種秘密的魔力,推動著一切發生!

energy everywhere


能量是物理學中的一個基本概念,指的是物理系統執行工作的能力。 它以各種形式存在,例如動能(與運動相關的能量)、位能(與位置或構型相關的能量)、熱能(與溫度相關的能量)、化學能(儲存在化學鍵中的能量)、核能 (儲存在原子核中的能量)和電磁能(由電磁波傳輸的能量)。



人壽保險公司計算內部報酬率(IRR)的主要目的是評估保險產品的投資報酬率。 IRR是衡量投資項目的收益率的一種方法,它考慮了現金流的時間價值,因此能夠更全面地評估投資的獲利能力。

在人壽保險中,保險公司需要定期支付給保單持有人保費,並在未來根據保單條款支付理賠或保單到期時給付保險金。 由於這些現金流具有不同的時間價值,因此需要使用IRR來評估保險產品的獲利能力,以確保公司能夠實現其長期的財務目標。

透過計算IRR,保險公司可以對不同的保險產品進行比較,評估其吸引力和獲利能力。 這有助於公司製定策略決策,例如確定哪些產品推廣、調整保費水準或優化資產配置,以最大化投資回報率並確保公司的長期永續發展。

Life insurance and IRR

IRR for life insurance businesses

In the context of the life insurance business and investment, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a crucial metric used to evaluate the profitability of investments made by insurance companies. Life insurance companies often invest the premiums they receive from policyholders in various assets such as bonds, equities, real estate, and other financial instruments. The returns generated from these investments play a significant role in determining the financial health and sustainability of the insurance company.




